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The Encaustic Center offers encaustic books and supplies, including medium, beeswax, damar resin, cradled birch panels, and various scraping tools. We're proud to offer R&F Pigment Sticks and Encaustic Paint as well as Enkaustikos Hot Cakes and Hot Sticks.
Enkaustikos Medium
8 oz - MSRP - $19.99 - 12% off Sale - $17.59 – with tax = $19.04
1 lb - MSRP - $30.99 - 12% off Sale - $27.27 – with tax = $29.52
2.5 lb - MSRP - $66.98 - 12% off Sale - $58.86 – with tax = $63.71
5 lb -MSRP - $139.99 - 12% off Sale - $123.19 – with tax = $133.35
Enkaustikos Beeswax
1 lb - MSRP - $24.99 - 10% off Sale - $ 22.49 – with tax = $24.34
Enkaustikos Damar resin crystals
1 lb - MSRP - $24.99 - 10% off Sale - $ 22.49 – with tax = $24.34
R&F Medium
1 lb - MSRP $32.50- 20% off Sale - $26.00 - with tax = $28.14
R&F Beeswax
1 lb - MSRP - $25.45 - 20% off Sale - $20.36 – with tax = $22.03
R&F Damar resin crystals
1 lb - MSRP - $23.50 - 20% off Sale - $18.80 – with tax = $20.35
melts easily into beeswax - and or add more resin to your medium for additional hardness
1 lb $18.00 plus tax: $19.49
5 lb $65.00 plus tax: $70.36
Larger quantities and shipping prices upon request
* WW Grade damar resin sourced in Brazil
* No impurities
$10. including tax
cradled boards from 4"x4", 6"x6", 8"x10",10"x10", 11"x14", 12"x12", 16"x20", 18"x24", 20"x20", 24"x24", 30"x30", 36"x36", 42"x42" and more!
call for availability and pricing
custom orders on cradled boards; please
inquire to Bonny or call 214-405-5993
or contact Brian Hartig at: and tell him we sent you.
R&F Pigment Sticks are a version of an oil stick that transform oil painting into a whole new experience. Two sizes, 90 vibrant colors and a lipstick soft consistency. R&F Pigment Sticks let you get rid of the distancing factor of a brush and hold the paint right in your hand. The surface, the paint, your hand and your ideas all come together. The different effects you can get with these luscious sticks will amaze you.
20% off MSRP
38 ml. Pigment Sticks
Titanium-Zinc White, Neutral White, Ivory Black, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Turkey Umber Greenish, Lamp Black, Zinc White, Unbleached Titanium
Mars Yellow Light, Mars Yellow Deep, Mars Orange, Mars Red, Mars Violet, Mars Black, Intense Carbon Black, Naples Yellow, Green Earth, Neutral Grey Pale, Neutral Grey Light, Neutral Gray Medium, Neutral Grey Deep, Brilliant Yellow X Pale, Payne's Grey, Sanguine Earth Light, Sanguine Earth Medium, Sanguine Earth Deep, Sienna Yellow Extra Pale, Scarlet Extra Pale, Green Gold Pale, Ultramarine Blue Pale, Phthalo Green Pale, Turkey Umber Pale
Ultramarine Blue, Prussian Blue, Chrome Oxide, Graphite, Indigo, Courbet Green, Azure Blue, Turquoise Blue, Jaune Brilliant, Sepia, Brown Pink, Dianthus Pink, Celadon Green, Malachite Green, Stil de Grain, Cerulean Grey, Permanent Green, Olive Yellow, Turkey Red, Nickel Yellow, Quinacridone Magenta
Alizarin Permanent, Rose Madder, Manganese Violet, Phthalo Blue, Phthalo Turquoise, Phthalo Green, Cerulean Extra Pale, Ultramarine Violet, Kings Blue, Veronese Green, Warm Pink, Warm Rose, Indian Yellow, Alizarin Orange, Sap Green, Manganese Blue Hue, Provance Blue, Magenta Earth, Blue Ochre, Cobalt Teal, Indanthrone Blue, Cadmium Coral
Cadmium Lemon, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Yellow Med, Cadmium Yellow Deep, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Green Pale, Cadmium Green, Quinacridone Magenta, Viridian, Quinacridone Red, Green Gold, Egyptian Violet, Ancient Gold, Cerulean Blue
Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Red Med, Cadmium Red Deep, Cobalt Blue, Cobalt Turquoise, Burnt Scarlet
Cobalt Violet, Cobalt Green
Iridescent Pearl, Iridescent Silver, Iridescent German Silver, Iridescent Pewter, Iridescent Brass, Iridescent Gold, Iridescent Copper, Iridescent Bronze
38ml. Blending Stick MSRP $10.15 - SALE PRICE $8.12 with tax $8.79
188ml. Blending Stick MSRP $33.75 - SALE PRICE $27.00 with tax $29.23
What distinguishes our paint as handmade is the intensive labor involved in making paint solely from its base ingredients of pigment and medium. We want the individual characteristics of each pigment to show through. This means that the formulation and milling of each pigment must be tailored to its particular traits. Each of our colors, therefore, has a slightly different feel to it. Each batch is milled in small carefully controlled batches.
20% off MSRP
40 ml. Handmade Paints
Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Green Earth, Ivory Black, Mars Black, Mars Orange, Mars Red, Mars Violet, Mars Yellow Deep, Mars Yellow Light, Neutral White, Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, Titanium White, Turkey Umber Greenish, Unbleached Titanium
Azure Blue, Brilliant Yellow Extra Pale, Celadon Green, Chromium Oxide Green, Courbet Green, Graphite Gray, Green Gold Pale, Indigo, Intense Carbon Black, Naples Yellow, Payne's Gray, Phthalo Blue, Phthalo Green, Phthalo Green Pale, Phthalo Turquoise, Scarlet Extra Pale, Sienna Yellow Extra Pale, Turquoise Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Ultramarine Blue Pale, Turkey Umber Pale
Alizarin Orange, Brown Pink, Cerulean Grey, Cerulean Extra Pale, Dianthus Pink, Indian Yellow, Jaune Brillant, King's Blue, Malachite Green, Manganese Blue Hue, Manganese Violet, Olive Yellow, Permanent Green, Sap Green, Sepia, Stil De Grain, Turkey Red, Veronese Green, Warm Pink, Warm Rose, Nickel Yellow, Prussian Blue, Quinacridone Magenta
Alizarin Permanent, Blue Ochre, Cadmium Green, Cadmium Green Pale, Cadmium Lemon, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Yellow Deep, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Cobalt Teal, Egyptian Violet, Green Gold, Quinacridone Magenta, Quinacridone Red, Ultramarine Violet, Magenta Earth, Provence Blue, Indanthrone Blue, Cadmium Coral
Burnt Scarlet, Cadmium Red Deep, Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Red Medium, Cobalt Blue, Cobalt Turquoise, French Mauve Blue, French Mauve Red, Iridescent Brass, Iridescent Bronze, Iridescent Copper, Iridescent German Silver, Iridescent Gold, Iridescent Pearl, Iridescent Pewter, Iridescent Silver, Viridian, Ancient Gold, Cerulean Blue
Cobalt Violet Deep, Cobalt Violet Light
Hot Sticks Encaustic Wax Paint feature the same professional artist quality colors you find in the Hot Cakes line but come in a versatile artist-friendly stick. You can color mix using your Hot Stick colors directly on your painting, your hot palette or melt them together in a large tin to create custom mixes. You will have immediate color at your fingertips. Melt as little or as much encaustic paint as you want!
$2.77 - 10% off $2.49 - with tax $2.70
$3.32 - 10% off $2.99 - with tax $3.24
Bone Black, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Light Buff Titanium, Mars Terracotta, Mars Venetian Red, Raw Sienna,Raw Umber, Titanium White, Yellow Ochre, Zinc White
$5.17 - 10% off $4.65 - with tax $5.03
Bohemian Green Earth, Bohemian Orange, Brilliant Yellow Pale, Caput Mortuum, Chromium Oxide Green, French Ultramarine Light, Golden Brown, Golden Buff Titanium, Italian Golden Ochre, Jet Black, Midtone Gray, Naples Yellow Reddish, Nickel Titanate Yellow, Phthalo Blue Green Shade, Phthalo Blue Red Shade, Phthalo Green Blue Shade, Red Earth Pale, Sage Green, Sienna Pink, Ultramarine Blue, Vagone Green Earth
$5.72 - 10% off $5.15 - with tax $5.57
Antique Bronze Pearl, Antique Copper Pearl, Antique Gold Pearl, Antique Silver Pearl, Cobalt Blue Light, Jaune Brilliant, Naples Yellow Hue
$6.88 - 10% off $6.19 - with tax $6.70
Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Yellow Deep, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Golden Bronze Metallic, Indian
Yellow, Micaceous Iron Oxide, Phthalo Green Yellow Shade, Pompeii Red,Transparent Red Earth, Ultramarine Rose, Ultramarine Violet
$7.99 - 10% off $7.19 - with tax $7.78
Bismuth Yellow, Cadmium Red Deep, Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Red Medium, Cadmium Red Vermillion, Cerulean Blue, Cobalt Aqua, Citron Green, Cobalt Blue, Cobalt Green, Cobalt Green Light, Cobalt Teal Green, Cobalt Turquoise Blue, Naphthol Red, Prussian Blue, Super Bronze Pearl, Super Copper Pearl, Super Gold Pearl, Super Russet Pearl, Super Silver Pearl, Viridian Green, Warm Pearl
$8.55 - 10% off $7.70 - with tax $8.34
Anthraquinone Blue, Anthraquinone Orange, Cadmium Maroon, Cobalt Violet, Dioxazine Purple, Dioxazine Purple Light, Opal Aquamarine, Opal Calypso Green, Perylene Maroon, Quinacridone Gold, Quinacridone Magenta, Quinacridone Red
$10.32 - 10% off $9.29 - with tax $10.06
Basic Hot Sticks Set 4-pack - $16.99 - 10% off $15.29 - with tax $16.55
Warm Hot Sticks Set 4-pack - $22.99 - 10% off $20.69 - with tax $22.40
Primary Hot Sticks Set 5-pack - $28.88 - 10% off $25.99 - with tax $28.13
Metallic Hot Sticks Set 5-pack - $28.88 - 10% off $25.99 - with tax $28.13
Bright Hot Sticks Set 5-pack - $28.88 - 10% off $25.99 - with tax $28.13
Jewel Tones Hot Sticks Set 5-p - $28.88 - 10% off $225.99 - with tax $28.13
Earth tones Hot Sticks Set 5-pack - $22.99 - 10% off $20.69 - with tax $22.40
Light Tones Hot Sticks Set 5-pack - $28.88 - 10% off $25.99 - with tax $28.13
Glazing Hot Sticks Set 5-pack - $33.99 - 10% off $30.59 - with tax $33.11
Rich Tones Hot Sticks Set 5-pack - $33.99 - 10% off $30.59 - with tax $33.11
Hot Cakes are ready-to-use professional encaustic paints that come in a convenient reusable metal tin. The artist-quality colors are made from the most beautiful pigments, the finest Damar Resin, and United States Pharmaceutical Grade (USP) Beeswax.
Bone Black, Burnt Sienna, Mars Terracotta, Titanium White, Yellow Ochre
$13.50 - 10% off $12.15 - with tax: $13.15
Titanium White
$22.50 - 10% off $20.25 - with tax: $21.92
Chromium Oxide Green, Ultramarine Blue
$15.50 - 10% off $13.95 - with tax $15.10
Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Indian Yellow, Phthalo Green Yellow Shade
$20.50 - 10% off $18.45 - with tax $19.97
Bismuth Yellow, Cadmium Red Light, Citron Green, Cobalt Blue, Cobalt Green, Cobalt Turquoise Blue, Naphthol Red
$22.99 - 10% off $20.69 - with tax $22.40
Anthraquinone Blue, Anthraquinone Orange, Cobalt Violet, Dioxazine Purple, Opal Aquamarine
$23.99 - 10% off $21.59 - with tax $23.37
HOT CAKES Wax Medium 1.5 fl. oz.- $7.79 - 10% off $7.01 - with tax $7.59
HOT CAKES Wax Medium 6 fl. oz. - $20.99 - 10% off $18.89 - with tax $20.45
HOT CAKES XD Wax Medium - 1.5 fl. oz. - $8.99 - 10% off $8.09 - with tax $8.76
HOT CAKES XD Wax Medium - 6 fl. oz. - $24.99 - 10% off - $22.49 - with tax $24.35
HOT CAKES Slick Wax 6 fl. oz. - $7.79 - 10% off $7.01 - with tax $7.59
Hickory Hill Arts Handcrafted Walnut Ink $12.00
Encaustic Hot Tools Pen Point Attachment C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6
$36.99 - with tax $40.04
Bright Brush #2 - $36.99 - with tax $40.04
Bright Brush #6 - $42.99 - with tax $46.53
Bright Brush #8 - $44.99 - with tax $48.70
Flat Brush #2 - $36.99 - with tax $40.04
Flat Brush #6 - $42.99 - with tax $46.53
Flat Brush #8 - $44.99 - with tax $48.70
Angled Flat Brush #6 - $44.99 - with tax $48.70
Angled Bright Brush #6 - $44.99 - with tax $48.70
$48.95 - with tax $52.99
with tax $14.06
4"x4" - $9.99 - with tax – 10.81
4"x6" - $13.99 - with tax – $15.14
6" x 6" - $18.99 - with tax – $20.56
6"x8" - $23.99 - with tax – $25.97
8" x 8" - $29.99 - with tax – $32.46
8"x10" - $36.99 - with tax – $40.04
10"x10" - $49.99 - with tax – $54.11
10" x 14" - $76.99 - with tax – $83.34
10"x18" - $86.99 - with tax – $94.17
12"x16" - $89.99 - with tax – $97.41
The Art of Encaustic Painting: Contemporary Expression in the Ancient Medium of Pigmented Wax by Joanne Mattera
$32.00 - with tax: $34.64
Encaustic Art: The Complete Guide to Creating Fine Art with Wax by Lissa Rankin
$34.00 - with tax: $36.80
Encaustic Workshop: Artistic Techniques for working with wax by Patricia Seggebruch
$38.73 - with tax: $41.93
Encaustic Art in the Twenty-First Century by Ashley Rooney and Anne Lee
$69.99 – with tax: $75.76
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